Thursday 21 November 2013

Tentang Kesehatan

Kesehatan dan manusia seperti dua sisi yang tidak dapat di pisahkan. Itulah mengapa artikel tentang dunia kesehatan begitu di cari dan diburu oleh masyarakat. Anda bisa bayangkan kebutuhan mendesak seorang ibu yang baru melahirkan, bayi- bayi mungil yang perlu mendapat perawatan kesehatan,pekerja kantoran yang sering mendapat tekanan, atau 76 juta kaum manula yang ingin hidup sehat dan menurunkan berat badan.Mereka akan berusaha mencari informasi tentang hidup sehat.

Informasi mengenai kesehatan adalah suatu hal yang sangat dibutuhkan dewasa ini. Informasi mengenai tips pengobatan,baik medis maupun terapi alternatif dan pengobatan tradisional merupakan hal penting yang patut untuk diketahui,belum lagi mengenai informasi berbagai macam penyakit beserta pantangannya yang harus di hindari,kemudian ada lagi artikel kesehatan mengenai gejala dan penyebab suatu penyakit yang di ikuti dengan cara pencegahannya.

Semua hal di atas adalah berguna manakala kita sedang  mengumpulkan materi untuk pembuatan kliping atau tugas sekolah maupun pengumpulan bahan untuk skripsi,namun tak sedikit pula kita menggunakan informasi tersebut ketika kita sedang sakit dan ingin mencari pengobatan yang terbaik untuk kita maupun orang yang kita sayangi.

Berangkat dari hal tersebut di atas,saya mencoba untuk mengumpulkan informasi dasar tersebut yang saya ambil dari sumber-sumber yang kompeten sebagai referensi saja agar kita semua lebih sadar akan pentingnya kesehatan kita,karena kesehatanadalah anugerah Tuhan yang patut kita syukuri.

Friday 22 March 2013

How To Sell Your Product

I realized maybe there was going to be a problem with my ability to run a decent business when I found that I was buying more products than I was selling! So I vowed to not buy the next product that I saw advertised, and stop to analyses why I wanted to buy it instead.

I used to think a good product sells itself. Well, it doesn't. Others have sold the same products I tried selling with far greater success.

Here's what I've learnt.

1. It's all about marketing. Would you buy glue that doesn't stick very well? What if you put the same product on the back of little pieces of paper and call them post-its? What about an anti-bacterial solution that isn't strong enough to kill germs on furniture surfaces? No? What if the seller changed it to an antiseptic mouthwash that cures bad breath and called it Listerine?

2. Target your audience! You may win some new converts by trying to get as many people to see your products as possible. But if you have a limited budget, it helps to try to market to those who are already looking for your kind of product. Notice most ads have very positive, hyped up words that target hopes, dreams, greed etc? You are selling a want, not a need. You have to turn the want into a need.

3. Give a call to action. Do not let them just read the advertisement and move on.

4. Give a free gift, or bonus.

5. Notice most ads have very positive, hyped up words that target hopes, dreams, greed etc? You are selling a want, not a need. You have to turn the want into a need. Can't expect to sell millions of products by saying please buy, you don't really need it but have pity on me, I have 12 kids to feed. Please, please please. Help me.

6. Learn to face rejection. I hate this part. I'd really rather not even try. But then, I'd have failed before I've even started. Oh, and learn why you got the rejection and how you can change that into a yes, rather than blame the grumpy lady who told you off.

7. Articles are to entertain first, not to provide information. You have to write what the customers want to read, not what you want to write. They can find information very easily these days.

8. Sell yourself. It's all about you. The seller. You make the product look good and convince people why they need it too. Your reputation is at stake as well. I always thought a model's job was to look good. It isn't. I learnt it from America's Top Model. The model's job is to make the product look good.

9. It's all about building up a relationship. Robert Kiyosaki uses himself to teach his lessons and sell his products. People buy Rich Dad Poor Dad because of him. He always said he was a best-selling author. Not a best-writing author!

10. Keep bugging them. Get an email contact or something. Send regular updates. Eventually they will buy something. Don't spam though. Turns people off. And if emails keep bouncing, it may be an abandoned account. Don't waste your time.